Sunday 20 November 2016

Week 47 Menu Combination 1

Ingredieny: Steak, brocoli, cauliflower and Salat (optional)
Method: make brocoli and cauliflower into to small pieces boil in water until gentle and take them out. Fry the steak in a pan for 3 mins each side with the vegas in the same pan. Add salt and Pepper on the steak when one side is done and evenly on the vegas as well.

Ingredient: Salmon, tomato, onion, squash and mushroom (optional)
Method: cut all vegas into small pieces and put in a baking can with salmon. Add salt, pepper and oil and mix evenly. Put in the oven at 180 degrees for 25 mins
Side dish: rich

Ingredient: pork, ginger powder, coco milk, carrots, peas, spring onion, citron
Method: ref to cooking menu from kommune

Ingredient: Chicken legs, onion, potato and mashroom, mixed Salat (seperate and optional)
Method: cut potato, onion and mushroom into medium sizes. cut lines on chicken legs. Put all in the baking can. Add papprika pwoder, salt, pepper and oil and mix together and evenly. Put in the oven at 220 degrees for 40 mins.
Salat (can be left over fresh vegas from previous days) mixed together and add salat sauce as wishes.

Ingredient: chicken breast and other left over vegas
Method: TBD

Monday 28 October 2013

较之而言,女孩的我们更容易陷入何为幸福的思考。个人见解: 人生的幸福百分比可能都是相同的。没有所谓极其幸福的人生境遇,也没有百分百的不幸命运。我们每一天的欢笑沮丧忧伤开怀,可能刚刚好分成几等分。对于现在的我而言,过好每一天比其他任何事情都重要,因为正是这每一天之中的小小快乐,小小的幸福,造就了我们幸福人生的感觉。如果我们每个人,都愿意将精力关注在能使自己百分百快乐的这些个小小上,那么也许就能有足够的勇气和力量,度过人生中剩下的不顺境遇。 共勉 F